Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A view from our window


Hello everybody! Here are some photos from our window here in Pittsburgh. It was a cloudy day when I took the pictures, so it is a little depressing. The big igloo thing is the Melon Arena. It is the oldest home for a team in the NHL. The roof used to open, allowing for open air concerts and games, but the whole thing is stuck now and doesn't move.

The church with the big ugly statue is saint Benedict the Moore church. This church has a "black community" so we don't go there. The other church is Epiphany church. So that is where we have been going to mass. Right behind Epiphany church is the Chathem Centre, which is where Ngan works.

The large black building with UPMC is the US Steel building. I'm not sure why it says UPMC.

Well, we can see just about everything from our window.
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james said...

Crazy man! You should post some more pics when it's sunny there. Right not Salt Lake has the worst air in the country because of the inversion. We can't even see the city from the mountains... OR see the mountains from the city. It looks like an exciting time for you two, congratulations!

Diane said...

Wow!! You guys can see the world from there. I bet James could send some pictures with a longer view. It is sunny here today but there was frost on the car window this morning.

Unknown said...

Doesn't look like your weather is too much different than ours. Hope you two are settling in. :)