Monday, May 17, 2010

The run down of my trip to France

Here is the info that was sent to me about the people I'll be staying with in France. Immediately following the name is the address of where I'll be staying. The word for road in French is Rue.

Here's the link to the google map of the building I'll be staying in.,+37300+Jou%C3%A9-l%C3%A8s-Tours,+France&gl=us&ei=OmjxS_P3M4OssgPUppzRCw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBcQ8gEwAA


GIRAULT Sandrine et Christophe

7 bis rue de Chantepie


02 47 67 99 91

06 63 33 66 94

Mr est ébéniste (cabinet maker)

Mme est esthéticienne (beautician)

2 garçons de 7 et 10 ans (2 boys, 7 and ten years old)

1 chien et 1 chat (one dog and one cat)

Ne fument pas (they do not smoke)

Loisirs : musique, opéra, golf, équitation

Piano et violon (activities: music, opera, golf, horseback riding, piano and violin)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Enlightening thoughts of a tobacco smoker

The latest video. It's for sound class. I'm looking forward to having more time for filming in the very near future. This is my final project!